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The 60th anniversary party of the High School affiliated to Tsinghua University was successfully held

Release Time: 2024-04-27 Author: Hits:

Photo session

On the morning of April 27, the 60th anniversary gathering of the Junior High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University was held in B106, Huamao Building。94-year-old teacher Zhang Nengguang and more than 50 alumni gathered together。Mr. Cao Haixiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua High School and Vice President of the Alumni Association, Mr. Zhang Jie, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary General of the Alumni Association, and Mr. Wang Yingmin, deputy secretary general of the Alumni Association, attended the meeting。The meeting was hosted by senior 64 Chen Jiaming and junior 61 Wang Yongxiao。

Tsinghua High School Party secretary, vice president of the alumni association Cao Haixiang

Secretary Cao Haixiang delivered a passionate speech on behalf of the school and the alumni Association。First of all, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the alumni who have come from afar, and thank them for their care and support for the Alma mater over the years。Secretary Cao reviewed the remarkable achievements made by Tsinghua High School in education reform in recent years。He mentioned that the school has fully implemented the classroom revolution and is committed to building a unique curriculum system aimed at promoting the all-round development of students, while focusing on the cultivation of personalized and innovative talents。These efforts have enabled Tsinghua High School to maintain a leading position in the education sector and provide students with a broader space for development。

Secretary Cao stressed that Tsinghua High School will continue to uphold the educational concept of "moral education and cultivating people", follow the pace of Tsinghua University, take root in the motherland and look to the world。He looks forward to having more alumni return to his Alma mater in the future to witness and participate in the development of the school。Speaking about the common development of the university and its alumni, Secretary Cao said that alumni have always been an important force in the development of the university。He thanked the alumni for maintaining close ties with their Alma mater through the Alumni Association Foundation and actively contributing to the development of the university。

Mr. Zhang Nengguang

In the activity, Mr. Zhang Nengguang shared his life perception and understanding of the spiritual inheritance of Affiliated High School。He emphasized the value and quality of life in later life and encouraged everyone to maintain a positive attitude to life。

Alumni speech

Mr. Chen introduced the significance of the gathering to the participants and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the school leadership, the alumni association, all the teachers and alumni。Afterwards, the alumni representatives came to the stage and fondly recalled the study time in Tsinghua High School, which was full of challenges and opportunities, and expressed their deep respect and gratitude to the teachers who had worked hard to educate them。In particular, they mentioned the memory of President Wan Bangru and Teacher Wang Yutian, it is the leadership and teachings of these two outstanding educators, so that they have been able to thrive。

When it comes to campus life, the words of alumni are full of nostalgia and emotion。The school's sports activities and art clubs have helped them exercise their talents and cultivate a correct outlook on life and values。And the opportunity to practice learning, but also let them learn to bear hardships, self-reliance spirit。At the same time, they also wish the Alma mater to achieve more outstanding achievements in the future development and cultivate more outstanding talents for the society。

Public welfare activities

Public welfare activities, the host Wang Yongxiao announced the early 61 in Hong Kong alumni Ma Dingsheng (former Phoenix TV "military observation Room" column planning and military commentator。The 230 books (sets) donated were deposited in the Library of Tsinghua High School on 26th。Chen Yong, an alumnus of Grade 61 and Grade 64, announced the number of on-site donations, and many alumni donated money and books to the Education Foundation, contributing love to the development of their Alma mater with practical actions。

Zhang Jie, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua Affiliated High School and Secretary-General of the Alumni Association, accepted on-site donations on behalf of the school at the meeting, and issued a donation certificate for Ma alumni (Wang Yongxiao, junior 61)。She said that the donations of alumni are not only a strong material support for the Alma mater, but also a great spiritual inspiration for the teachers and students of the Affiliated High School。Each donation embodies the alumni's deep affection for our Alma mater, and it is also the motivation and hope for our continuous progress. Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the alumni who care about and support the development of Affiliated High School。

Artistic performance segment

The artistic performances were splendid,The alumni Choir presents a male chorus of "The Old Days" and "Singing Turbulent Youth",Teacher Wang Yingmin sings "It is You who always think of Me".,Chen Jiaming recited the prose poem "Tsinghua High School Attached to Our Hearts Forever",Junior 61 alumnus Wang Minglun sang Wang Yutian's "Or Am I Late",The event ended with a full-court chorus of "Let's Roll the OARS"。

Group photo in front of the main building

Photo session

Picture and text: Ai Bin

Reviewed by: Zhang Jie, Wang Yingmin, Yang Rui, Cen, Yifei

Edit: Administrative Management Center

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